The Strategic Prayer Initiative is a unique ministry that has taken on the mission of attempting to raise up, not thousands, but millions of sincere Christians to become legitimately more effective in prayer, and certain aspects of spiritual warfare.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible and go toward conducting research, creating and providing resources, getting the word out, and helping churches and individuals to better understand where they are at in prayer. Armed with new and deeper understandings, SPI provides proven strategies for actual improvement on a large scale. The work of SPI has been going on for over 15 years and has taken an approach that is different than any other prayer motivation ministry in the country. With the Lord’s help, we have tried to build tools based on an active blend of theology and logistics, and that is why we feel we have a more realistic chance to actually be able to drive large scale change.
The Strategic Prayer InitiativeTM has a relationship with PACT (Prayer and City Transformation Consulting) who helps us gather donations to support the work and mission of SPI and the 5y80 Objective. Donations can be made via Mogiv or PayPal and can be done via a bank account or a credit card (processing fees on credit cards are higher than those applied to electronic banking). Tax deductible receipts will be issued via email. Anything you can do to help would be greatly appreciated, and if you can do something automatically each month, that helps us the most. We have other electronic tools that are planned and still need to be built, but they cannot be built without the funding.